Next up: ‘Trading Spaces, Congress Edition’

By Jeff Dufour and Patrick Gavin

Published on 11/10/2006
The Examiner
Yeas and Nays

Mark Tuohey addressing the honorable guests at the special IFE Leadership Award Celebration honoring Mayor Anthony A. Williams at the residence of the Argentinean Ambassador and Mrs. Jose Bordon, November 8, 2006
Who knew that one of the hottest topics in the 2006 midterm elections would be … drapes?

The whole thing started before the election, when Republicans charged Rep. Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., with prematurely “measuring the drapes” in anticipation of a Democratic victory.

Then, after her predictions bore out on Election Day, President Bush said during his Wednesday news conference that, “in my first act of bipartisan outreach since the election, I shared with her the names of some Republican interior decorators who can help her pick out the new drapes in her new offices.”

Later Wednesday, at the Argentine Embassy, the Institute for Education’s Kathy Kemper had to regrettably inform the crowd gathered to honor D.C. Mayor Anthony Williams that White House Chief of Staff Josh Bolten would be unable to fulfill his commitment to attend because, in the words of Bolten, “the president told me to work with Speaker-elect Pelosi. We need to decide on the fabric and design of her new office drapes.”

Of course, the always-secretive White House wouldn’t actually divulge their own drape secrets. White House spokeswoman Emily Lawrimore told Yeas & Nays, “Although we don’t publically disclose contact information of the White House interior decorator, we can state that we’ve been satisfied with their service for over five years.”

So what does Speaker-to-be Pelosi think about her future drapes? “I don’t think she’s thought of that,” said Pelosi spokesman Drew Hammill. “She’s more interested in addressing the urgent needs of the American people.”

Oh, how drab. …

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