Chinese Ambassador Honors Coach Kemper

Ambassador and Mrs. Zhou Wenzhong dinner “In appreciation of Coach Kathy Kemper’s friendship and goodwork for better understanding between China and US” May 16th, 2007 at their residence.

Coach Kathy Kemper, Tom Friedman, Ambassador Zhou Wenzhong at a dinner at the Chinese Ambassadors residence honoring Coach Kathy Kemper
Coach Kathy Kemper, Tom Friedman, Ambassador Zhou Wenzhong at a dinner at the Chinese Ambassadors residence honoring Coach Kathy Kemper
Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, Coach Kathy Kemper, Judy Woodruff, Tom Friedman
Jim Valentine, Xie Shumin, Coach Kathy Kemper, Ambassador Zhou WenzhongCoach Kemper, H.E. Jean-Paul Senninger, and Mrs. Louise Akerblom, Ambassador of the Grand Duche de Luxembourg

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