#IFElive Virtual Speakers Series
No matter where IFE’ers find themselves, compassion and support are the common threads that bind us together. During 2020, we had to re-imagine how to best care for our community in a moment of change and uncertainty and pivoted to bring our virtual speaker series #IFElive salons to you to enjoy from the safety and comfort of your home or office. In addition to an insider‘s view by our featured speakers and special guest remarks, the session typically includes a Q&A moderated by IFE Innovation Steward Amy Geng, MD and IFE Founder & CEO Coach Kathy Kemper.
Upcoming 2021 Speakers include:
Jessica Rosenworcel, Federal Communications Commission Acting Chairwoman
DJ Patil, Head of Technology for Devoted Health and former Chief Data Scientist of the United States Office of Science and Technology Policy
Suzette Kent, former Federal Chief Information Officer of the United States
Senator John Hickenlooper, Junior U.S. Senator representing Colorado
Past Events