On October 5th, INFO welcomed Co-Founder and Editor-in-Chief of The Huffington Post, Arianna Huffington, at the residence of HE Pierre Vimont, the Ambassador of France. The Huffington Post’s new senior political editor Howard Fineman introduced Ms. Huffington as a commanding personality and intellect who is known by her first name “just like Oprah.”
As is the case with all INFO programs, Ms. Huffington drew a distinguished audience, including the Ambassadors of Belgium, Israel, Japan, Kazakhstan, Monaco, and Norway; IFE Steward Ed Henry, Ina Ginsburg, CNN’s Jill Dougherty, and IFE members Jo Cooper, Les Deak, Joe Haggerty, and Brenda Luckritz.
IFE’s inaugural Discover China trip participants were also in attendance. Juliet Eilperin from The Washington Post, one of five journalists whom IFE sponsored, described the 10-day visit to Beijing, Shanghai, and Shenzhen as an eye-opener which revealed the progress China is making on economic, social, and environmental issues and the long way it still has to go.
IFE’s journalism intern Jenny Shore also reported at the forum on IFE’s internship program. Through the program, Shore and other high school students enjoyed the rare opportunity to sit with world leaders (or “game-changers” in Huffington Post lingo) like Israeli Ambassador Michael Oren and interview them on the most pressing issues of the day.
“H.E. Pierre Vimont, Ambassador of France, hosts IFE INFO public policy roundtable with Arianna Huffington .”
The Washington Diplomat, 11/2010
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Click here to review coverage in Bisnow
Click here to review: American Observer, Sunday, October 10th, “Tennis Coach brings mentors and students together.”