By Abdel Rahman Khalifa, IFE LearnServe Egypt intern, President, Finance Club, American University in Cario
During spring break, the Finance and Investment Club (FIC) at the American University in Cairo organized a trip for about 20 Egyptian students to visit New York and experience in person the capital of global finance. The Institute for Education (IFE) has always promoted and supported leadership and intercultural exchange. FIC’s president is an IFE intern and LearnServe Egypt 2011 alumnus. He and IFE arranged for the group to get unique and unforgettable experiences.

First, the group visited the Wall Street Journal, where Deputy Editor (and IFE Steward) Gerard Baker hosted the group, inviting them to see up close one of the top examples of global journalism. IFE always acts as one family, and IFE Emerging Markets Roundtable co-founders Aaron Sokasian and Andrew Mitchell were happy to support the group as well. Andrew, the founder and CEO of ZIG Capital, invited them to his rising private equity and venture capitalism firm to learn investment 101. Finally, Aaron arranged a visit for the group to the famous New York Stock Exchange, including a visit to its trading floor and a great reception in its private boardrooms.