Dr. Hidde Ronde and his wife Finnish ambassador Ritva Koukku-Ronde flank tennis pro Kathy Kemper (IFE Guest) . After the gala, guests joined a younger crowd at the Embassy of Italy for the official after party.
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We went to the Phillips Collection Friday for the museum’s highly anticipated annual gala. During the reception in the tent, we snapped Justice Samuel Alito (IFE Guest) surrounded by Ermenegildo Zegna’s Carlos Merizalde’s and his wife Tatiana, Navistar’s Bruce Harrisen, and by CPB CEO Pat Harrison and honoree restaurateur Lidia Bastianich.
Ford’s Theater director Paul Tetreault, playwright John Jeter, Phillips board member Tom Mansbach, proprietor Mel Estrin, who swears to us Lincoln’s sister restaurant Teddy Bully Bar will open the first week in June, and investor Jim Valentine (IFE Guest).Arnold & Porter’s Mike Trager and his wife Mariella, who are chairing the gala next year, and Personal CEO Shane Green (IFE Guest), whose sister attorney Erin Lewis (IFE Guest) filled in for his wife, home with their week-old daughter Emilia—congrats! During dinner, guests munched on lobster, tuna tartare and grilled steak while sitting among the Collection’s famous works.