On Friday, September 15, the Institute for Education with members of the Young President’s Organization’s Arizona and Florida Gold chapters hosted an INFO Salon with guest speaker Ed Henry at the Ambassador of Thailand to the United States H.E. Pisan Manawapat and Madame Wanchana Manawapat’s beautiful residence.
Author and Chief National News Correspondent for Fox News, Ed Henry captivated guests as he highlighted his recently released book, 42 Faith: The Rest of the Jackie Robinson Story. Mr. Henry’s book reveals the little-known story of how baseball legend Jackie Robinson’s faith guided him to persevere in his baseball career and in his efforts for the advancement of civil rights.
Whether alluding to how the stitching of a baseball can be likened to the fabric of the United States or revealing that Jackie Robinson’s brother, Mack Robinson, an Olympian, swept the streets after the 1936 Olympics Parade because he was not allowed to participate, Mr. Henry captivated listeners. Mr. Henry’s insights and storytelling explored his reporting experience, a tale of passing a message from President Obama to Jackie Robinson’s wife, Rachel Robinson and even how Robinson’s tale transcends the sport of baseball, as he stated, “right now at this time in this country, the story of Jackie Robinson is the story of people coming together.”
During Q&A, Mr. Henry expanded on recent bipartisan efforts by President Trump, likening the President to many politicians who desire to be liked, expanding on his thoughts by saying, Trump “wants America to like him, and he’s said he’s willing to reach across the aisle and work with Democrats.” The night wrapped up with discussions of economic policy progress and race issues in the Olympics.
Many thanks to wonderful hosts, H.E. Pisan Manawapat and Madame Wanchana Manawapat for a fantastic evening and opening their doors to guests as they enjoyed cocktails, a delicious selection of Thai dishes for dinner, and of course astute conversation.
Spotted: H.E. Pisan Manawapat and Madame Wanchana Manawapat of Thailand, H.E. Geir Haarde of Iceland, H.E. Carlos Dos Santos of Mozambique, IFE Diplomatic Steward H.E. Dirk Wouters of Belgium, and H.E. Kurt Jaeger of Liechtenstein IFE leadership, John Paul Farmer, Microsoft, Peter Ruffo, ZTE, David and Deane Fenstermaker, Raymond James, The Honorable Dr. R. David Edelman, Michael Kemper, Bo Kemper, Dr. Sokwoo Rhee, Ross Dakin, Cori Zarek, George Zaidan, IFE Tech in Gov Steward, Mary Ann Cook, Kelly and Joel Minton.
Contributed by IFE Fellow Julianna Cavano
View Event: Photos | Evening Program