On the eve that Dr. Joanna Breyer’s book When Your Child Is Sick went hot off the presses, Jan Smith hosted a dinner party in her honor at her home in McLean, VA co-hosted by Diane Jones, Kathy Kemper, Doreen Spiegel and Janine Van Lancker, MD. Breyer was introduced by Smith as “one of the most genuine people I’ve ever met. She rides her bike all around town. She rides her bike not just for fun, but she shows up for lunch and she shows up for meetings on her bike. She’s always enriching, and uplifting, and educating.”
About the book: To many parents, it is hard to imagine a more upsetting reality than one where their child is hospitalized, severely sick, or terminally ill. In When Your Child is Sick, psychosocial counselor Joanna Breyer distills decades of experience working with sick children and their families into a comprehensive guide for navigating the uncharted and frightening terrain. She provides expert advice to guide them through the hospital setting, at-home care, and long-term outcomes. Breyer’s actionable techniques and direct advice will help parents feel more in-control of a circumstance that has upended their life. When Your Child is Sick is a valuable guide to managing the myriad practical and emotional complications of an impossible situation.
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