Dear Friends.
No matter where IFE’ers find themselves, compassion and support are the common threads that bind us together. During these past weeks, we have re-imagined how to best care for our community in this moment of change and uncertainty. We wanted to highlight our newest pivots: Quarantine Cocktails and testing a virtual class for our CS@SC coding programs. Additionally, we’ll kick-off our virtual Safer@Home live speaker series this Friday, May 22! Read about these programs below and stay safe.
Coach Kemper

Leading the way with distance learning!
With distance learning becoming mainstream due to the pandemic our computer science at the University of Southern California, Viterbi School of Engineering is virtual and zooming away! The CS@SC Camps piloted a remote instruction camp using Zoom during the spring with 2 teachers and 10 students. We had 512 applications that continue to highlight the thirst for CS for K through 12 grades. The camp covered an intro to web development taught by a USC professor and facilitated by USC students. The pilot went so well that we are expanding them to include all our classes starting in June. In addition, CS@SC is taking applications from people around the world and not just children but college students too. COVID was the accelerator for CS@SC distance learning so now all ages can learn to code! Click here to view upcoming course offerings. Congratulations to the founding camp director, Professor Jeffery Miller, and his awesome agile team! Fight on Land of Troy!

Diplomatic Drink & Quarantine Cocktails
At the heart of IFE is our community: building and sustaining a network of friends who can come together around our principles of civility and dialogue. Like many civic organizations, the pandemic has also challenged how we approach our work: in a world where receptions are verboten and even socially distanced dinners problematic, we had to reinvent how to keep our community connected. That said, IFE’s signature has always been agile innovation – and our Founder’s mantra of “innovation born in Crisis” is alive and well as we pioneer new ways to stay together during this time apart. One of the ways we’ve been doing just that: Diplomatic Drinks & Quarantine Cocktails, a new programming series hosted by video conference. Read more.

Coach's Column: "Innovation born of Crisis"
I remember when the markets crashed in September of 2008. As CEO and Founder of The Institute for Education (IFE), I was concerned that our supporting members, companies, and friends might have to cut their budgets and worried about what this would mean for IFE — specifically for our Youth Global Citizens program. In 2008, IFE had developed deep and meaningful partnerships with various NGOs around the world. We would send local DC high school kids to these partner-organizations for community service projects: water preservation in China, bicycles in Rwanda, entrepreneurship in Egypt to name a few. This mission was near and dear to my heart and I worried that without funding, we would no longer be able to continue this enrichment program. Read more of Coach Kemper’s column

ZOOM-In: IFE Safer@Home
about how they helped flatten the curve. The session will include an
interactive Q&A session monitored by Coach Kemper. #IFEonline
(ZOOM access details provided once registered).
Upcoming Events
For the safety and welfare of our IFE community IFE will pivot its programming
to a live online format. Follow us on social media. #IFEonline #Safer@Home
Please view our calendar for upcoming speakers.