IFE's Future of AI Project will bridge technology and global public policy

As artificial intelligence (AI) beings to appear across our economies, governments and their citizens are rightly asking what this new technology will mean for them. How does a future of smarter, more agile, and exceptionally capable predictive machines change our relationships — with our work, our community, our governments, and our world? What role do each of us need to play to ensure a more equitable, just, innovative, and sustainable future in partnership with machines, rather than in conflict with or because of them?
Join IFE’s Future of Artificial Intelligence (AI) founder and MIT researcher Dr. R. David Edelman, IFE Diplomatic Steward of AI and EU Ambassador Stavros Lambrinidis, and special guest speakers as they explore how AI & machine learning is pushing the boundaries of innovation — and public trust — across industries and around the world.