IFE Global Visionary Award 2023 Stavros Lambrinidis Acceptance… POEM (with the kind collaboration of AI)

(with the kind collaboration of AI)

To Coach Kemper, a tech guide so wise,

Your leadership shines, a beacon in the skies!

This motley crew of tech nerds you’ve led with beauty and grace,

Thank you for convening us in DC’s cyber space!

Justice Breyer, a legal giant so huge,

Bestowed upon me an honor I don’t deserve — but won’t refuse!

With brilliance and intellect, you paved the way …

For today’s Supreme Court — Need I more say?  J

To the Institute for Education, my steadfast abode

In my four years of stewardship on this AI road:

For tolerating me with patience, with wisdom and care,

In the world of tech diplomacy, you are beyond compare!

Countless dinners, discussions so bright,

Parsing over challenges, seizing the night.

In the dance of opportunities and AI’s art,

Grateful for your company, from the bottom of my heart.

But …

If I could write this poem with ChatGPT,

What’s the world coming to? Someone, save me!

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