Hello Sports Fans!
We’ve started 2024 with our traditional warmth, hosting an intimate welcome dinner for the new Japanese and EU Ambassadors. The evening was filled with the clinking of glasses and the exchange of stories, setting the tone for a year of fruitful collaborations. We were privileged to have USTR Katherine Tai join us for a fireside chat at the Irish Ambassador’s residence. Her insights into the global trade landscape were invaluable, sparking discussions that will undoubtedly influence our future endeavors.
IFE is proud to announce the launch of our new Future Frontier program, designed to empower and inspire the next generation of youth leaders through conversations with industry leaders.
Below is a sneak peek of our highly anticipated 2024 events. These gatherings promise to be transformative, featuring keynote speakers and networking opportunities that will foster connections and drive progress.
Finally, this Valentine’s, let’s toast to the friends who are our chosen family, the ones who make every day feel like a holiday. 😍
IFE fireside chat with USTR Katherine Tai

On Monday, January 22, 2024, the Institute for Education (IFE) hosted an off-the-record conversation between Ambassador Katherine Tai, United States Trade Representative, and Demetri Sevastopulo, the Financial Times’s U.S.-China correspondent. The salon took place at the elegant new residence of Her Excellency Geraldine Byrne Nason, Ireland’s Ambassador to the United States. Ambassador Nason, Coach Kathy Kemper (IFE Founder and CEO), and Dr. R. David Edelman (IFE President) presided. Among the attendees were U.S. government officials, diplomats from some two dozen embassies, CEOs and high-ranking representatives of foundations and Fortune 500 companies, and prominent journalists—a testament not only to the critical geoeconomic and geopolitical importance of Ambassador Tai’s work but also to the strong demand for her thoughts on adapting trade policy to a rapidly changing global economy. Read more. | View event photos
Ambassador Welcome Dinner

Ninth Annual Fellows Blacktie Dinner

IFE launches its newest program, "Future Frontiers."

IFE’s newest program, Future Frontiers, aims to bridge the gap in high school students’ understanding of future career paths by assembling diverse speakers. Aligned with the IFE’s mission to partner with various leaders and foster a culture of bipartisanship and civic engagement, Future Frontiers seeks to empower students by offering firsthand insights into various career and life paths. This program strives to equip students with the knowledge and inspiration to navigate their futures confidently. Read more about the program and speakers.
2024 | Scheduled Events

2024 | Event Pipeline