The IFE Emerging Technology Roundtable (ETR) convenes private and public sector leaders from around the world to explore the role of influential new technologies that are changing the landscape of the global economy. As dozens of countries and billions of people are being introduced into the global marketplace, they are being empowered with technologies, skills, and opportunities. Never before have so many had the ability to rise so far, so fast. At the same time, some emerging technologies face enormous difficulties: trust, regulations, safety and security, and interoperability, to name just a few. In the face of such opportunities and challenges, the decisions being made today – by political leaders in capital cities and by entrepreneurs in far-flung villages – will shape the future of the world we all share.
ETR is led by John Paul Farmer,Former NYC CTO and former Director of Microsoft’s Technology & Civic Innovation Group.
What’s the Buzz…
Michelle K. Lee
Michelle K. Lee, USPTO Director
“Over the last 7 years, this Administration has prioritized advancements in technology in unprecedented ways. Whether it’s the Administration’s commitment to making open and machine-readable data the new default for government information, advancing policies that expand innovation and entrepreneurship, even simply changing the way the Government communicates with its citizens through modern technology like Facebook, Twitter, or Snapchat, this Administration has realized that advancements in technology can help improve the way we govern, we learn, and thrive.”
Tomicah Tilleman
Dr. Tomicah Tilleman, Senior Advisor to the Secretary for Civil Society and Emerging Democracies
“The next wave of innovation is not only going to remake industries, it’s going to reshape institutions. The use ofBlockchain-based transactions, smart contracts, artificial intelligence, and robotics has the potential to transform the way economies and nations operate. The critical challenge of our time will be harnessing these tools in ways that broaden access to opportunity and share their benefits across society.”
Steven Babitch
Steven Babitch, Presidential Innovation Fellow
“This President (or this administration) like no other has proactively driven the conversation to harness technology and innovation across a range of challenges. Whether for matters of security, healthcare, or agriculture, emerging technologies present an opportunity—not a barrier—to progress. In security, while human analysis is still required, AI is already aiding in the identification and mitigation of threats, with greater promise to come. In healthcare, machine learning and computational biology is beginning to revolutionize medicine to be more precise. In agriculture, AI and robotics can dramatically increase food productivity and reduce waste (water), which is very much a national security issue.”
Alex Pelletier
Alex Pelletier, Presidential Innovation Fellow
“The future is bright with opportunity for AI and robotics – however, as these emerging technologies become more of a part of our everyday lives, the role of industry and policy makers is essential in shaping the direction to benefit us all”